Month: May 2021
Premiere online theater performance ‘Battle Suit’

Commissioned by MOSA Brass and EVA Vocal Ensemble, Tim made a composition and underscore for the theatrical performance ‘Battle Suit’. The premiere of this will take place on May 8, 2021 at 20:00 in Room 13 recording studio in Ghent, Belgium.
From old letters and a visit to one of the numerous war cemeteries in the Westhoek, actor Kurt Defrancq, together with vocal ensemble EVA, brass quintet MOSA Brass and director Bruno De Canne, embarks on a textual / musical quest for what it really means to war situation. About the madness, the sense and the nonsense. ” Source: MOSA Brass
Assistant composer

As an assistent composer from Dutch filmcomposer Matthijs Kieboom Tim was lucky to assist in the first season from documentary serie The Art Dispute. It’s produced by hazazaH Pictures and BNNVARA. Starting in April 2021 it will be broadcasted on Dutch television.